Developers are all too familiar with the phrase, housing crisis. Cities across the country are experience large surges in population, with concerned residences noticing the steady rise in housing costs. In fact, studies say that housing costs have grown more quickly in comparison to other cities, with no signs of stopping.
So what can D.C.'s City Council, as well as local developers, do to develop and build more affordable options for D.C.'s residents? Under Mayor Muriel Bowser's administration, $167.6 million dollars in public financing would go to 25 affordable housing projects in the fiscal year of 2018, according to Curbed. That alone would represent over 1,600 units to serve about 3,600 people. And with private developers including JBG Smith, Tishman Speyer, WC Smith, and more stepping into the affordable housing fray, could a long-term solution for the housing crisis be in sight?
Join Bisnow as we bring together D.C.'s developers, city officials, and more to discuss how to best attack the affordable housing crisis and make a lasting impact for D.C. residents to come. It's a Bisnow event you don't want to miss!
Don't forget to follow @BisnowDC and join the fun on Twitter using hashtag #BisnowDC!
Visit the website HERE for more info and to purchase tickets.
For questions, recommendations, comments, or press inquiries please email our DC event producer, Elizabeth Baker at Liz.Baker@bisnow.com.
Venue TBA
1. From JBG Smith to Tishman Speyer, what major developers are now investing in affordable housing projects - and why?
2. Why is the majority of affordable housing developments east of Rock Creek Park - and what can be done to remedy the situation?
3. How are nonprofit developers making significant strides to tackle affordable housing?
4. Where is the most affordable housing being built, and will it be enough?
5. Some developers call affordable housing the "hardest" asset class to cover. What can be done to get more developers involved?
7:30 AM - 8:30 AM Registration, Networking, & Breakfast
8:30 AM - 9:15 AM Developing Affordable Housing in Booming Areas
9:15 AM - 10:00 AM Holistic Development in Overlooked Areas
- How Can Recently-Introduced Opportunity Zones Benefit Affordable Housing?
10:00 AM - 10:30 AM More Networking!