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Most of our members come to us via their affiliation with the American Planning Association (APA). Information on joining the APA can be found at APA’s website. APA members can either choose APA Maryland as their primary chapter or join us as an additional chapter.

Starting in 2018, APA and Chapter membership is free for any student actively enrolled or matriculated in any university or college degree program. It remains free for the duration of an individual's studies. Visit this page for more information.

If you are not a National APA Member you can still become a member of APA Maryland for a $45 annual membership fee. Note that, while chapter-only members may serve on committees, they may not be elected as voting members of the Executive Committee.


The APA Maryland mailing list is open to both members and non-members. It is primarily used to send our monthly newsletter, the Maryland Planner, and to inform subscribers of Chapter events, job postings, and other member opportunities. We use the Mailchimp service to deliver our emails. If you have opted-out from receiving these emails, or for some other reason are not getting notifications and wish to be put back on the list, please contact us at Also, please add to your email whitelist to ensure that you receive mailings from the Chapter.