1 AIA/CES HSW LU available | 1 LA CES LU available
The free Lunchtime Lecture Series explores how local firms, design practitioners, and allied organizations are putting the big ideas of the Spring Lecture Series into practice. In the Baltimore Architecture Foundation’s tradition of free brown bag lunchtime presentations, please bring your lunch and join us for this talk and discussion to follow. AIA CEUs are eligible for self-reporting.
The national award-winning Design with Dredge research program brings together practitioners, community members, academics, regulatory and policy officials, and industry representatives to advance shared conceptual frameworks, planning priorities, and applied landscape strategies for resilient dredged material management in the Baltimore region. This lunchtime lecture will provide an overview of the Design with Dredge program highlighting the challenges and opportunities of reusing dredged material in designing resilient public landscapes and coastal infrastructure in Baltimore and the Chesapeake Bay region.
About the presenter
Isaac Hametz, Principal/Research Director oversees Mahan Rykiel’s design research portfolio, building strategic partnerships to advance innovation in landscape architecture and urban design. He facilitates transdisciplinary collaborations among public, private, and non-profit partners; manages project-based performance specifications; integrates design research methods into office practices; and disseminates research and educational publications. Working closely with clients, colleagues, and collaborators, Isaac targets design research opportunities that focus on economic development, ecological stewardship, and community identity. In support of Mahan Rykiel and its partners, he draws upon his background in agroecology, landscape systems, community development, and non-profit management.
See the full Lunchtime Lectures and Spring Lecture Series schedule