APA Maryland Event on Preserving and Conserving for Comprehensive And Environmental Plans
Aquaculture and Restoration Ecology Laboratory
Horn Point Laboratory
University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
4CM credits pending
Dr. Josh Ginsberg, President, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
“Preserving and Conserving the Hudson Valley Watershed”
Brooke Landry, Department of Natural Resources
“Submerged Aquatic Vegetation Segment Assessment”
Matt Kirwan, Virginia Institute of Marine Science
Presentation on marsh habitats
Andrew Elmore, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Presentation on forest landscapes
Howard Townsend
Presentation on fish habitats
Scott Knoche, Director, Patuxent Environmental and Aquatic Research Laboratory
“Enhanced Commercial Fisheries and Associated Regional Economic Impacts through Oyster Reef Restoration in the Choptank River Complex, Chesapeake Bay”
9:00 Tour of Aquaculture Restoration Ecology Laboratory
9:30 Registration and refreshments
10:00 Welcome and introductions
Helen Spinelli, Maryland APA, Queen Anne’s County Planning and Zoning
Dr. Peter Goodwin, President, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
Dr. William Dennison, Vice President of Science Application, University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science
10:15 Dr. Josh Ginsberg
President, Cary Institute of Ecosystem Studies
“Preserving and Conserving the Hudson Valley Watershed”
11:15 Lightening talks
11:45 Lunch
12:30 Habitat talks
Brooke Landry, Submerged aquatic vegetation
Kirwin, Marshes
Andrew Elmore, Forest landscapes
Howard Townsend, Fish habitats
Scott Knoche, Natural resource economics
2:30 Panel discussion
3:00 Closing reception
Rich Hall, New Castle County Department of Land Use, Leading Panel of Planners
Lightening Talks
Jamie Currie
Nathan Miller, Chesapeake Monitoring Cooperative presentation
Emily Nastase, National Park Service RAMS project
Suzanne Spitzer
Sky Swanson, Submerged Aquatic Vegetation in the Chesapeake Bay
Dylan Taillie, Landscape dynamics presentation
Register and purchase tickets here
The members of the Maryland Chapter of the American Planning Association gratefully acknowledge the assistance in the production of this workshop from the University of Maryland Center for Environmental Science Integration and Application Network.
Special thanks to Queen Anne’s County Television for filming this workshop for the Maryland Chapter of the American Planning Association.