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Maryland Planning Commissioners Association 37th Annual Conference

The Maryland Planning Commissioners Association (MPCA) is holding its 37th annual conference on Monday, November 9th at 9:00 a.m.  The board invites you to join us on the Maryland Department of Planning’s (Planning) GoToWebinar platform from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. In addition, registrants can join for only those sessions which their schedule allows, although we think the whole day will be well worth it!

The theme for this year is Contingency Planning and Resilient Boards, and the agenda will be filled with sessions on timely topics that Maryland's citizen planning boards face now and in the future. The MPCA decided on this theme in response to feedback we received during a Regional Workshop in Salisbury in February, and because of the unprecedented times we are all living through. The MPCA believes citizen planners will play a central role in building a more resilient Maryland.

Register for free here!

The MPCA is your statewide educational organization for citizen planners, made up of municipal, county, and regional planning commissioners and boards of zoning appeals members. The MPCA Board and its members strive to improve the quality of life for all Marylanders through planning, environmental protection, historic preservation, and growth management. Founded in 1983 and headquartered in Baltimore, the MPCA is dedicated to the continuing education and professionalism of Maryland’s citizen planners. All members of a planning commission/board and/or board of appeals in Maryland counties and municipalities (incorporated cities, towns, and villages) that exercise planning authority are automatically members of the MPCA.

The draft program is now available!

The MPCA is also partnering with Planning to develop a few sessions that will be eligible to earn AICP CM Credits

Please visit the conference website to learn more.

The conference will include ample opportunities for the sharing of best practices and lessons learned.

The MPCA is also seeking conference sponsors. All sponsors will have direct access to conference offerings and be included in conference communications and materials. Even modest amounts go a very long way in helping the small, volunteer-based organization continue to expand its educational and assistance offerings to Maryland’s citizen planners year-round. Learn more about sponsorship opportunities in the link above. 

And don't forget to submit short videos recognizing your valued citizen planners, which we will show during the conference.

We hope to see you and hope your fellow board or commission members can join us this November 9!

If you have any questions, please contact Joe Griffiths at