The Metropolitan Policy Center is hosting our 5th Annual Spring Lecture with Robert Sampson on Wednesday, April 3rd at 4:00pm and I thought you or some of you might be interested in attending.
2020 MPC Annual Spring Lecture: Loretta Lees
“Gentrification and Its Worldwide Impact”
Thursday, March 26th, 2019 | 4:00pm – 6:00pm | SIS Founders Room
Loretta Lees is an urban geographer internationally known for her research on gentrification/urban regeneration, global urbanism, urban policy, urban public space, architecture and urban social theory. She was identified as the 17th most referenced author in urban geography worldwide (Urban Studies, 2017) and the only woman in the top 20. Lees joined Geography at Leicester in September 2013, previously she was Chair in Human Geography at King’s College London (where she worked between 1997-2013 and was also Chair of the Cities Group). Before that, Lees was a Post-doctoral Research Fellow, Department of Geography, University of British Columbia, Canada (1995-1997) and a Visiting Lecturer, Department of Geography, University of Waikato, New Zealand (1994-1995). She was awarded a PhD from the University of Edinburgh in 1995.A reception will follow the lecture.