Agenda for 2018 APA Maryland Annual Meeting & One Day Conference

APA Annual Meeting Flyer.jpg


June 27th, 2018
Pip Moyer Community Recreation Center
273 Hilltop Lane, Annapolis


Registration/ Continental Breakfast


Annual Meeting of the Membership

·       Review of Chapter Activities and Plans

·       Amendment of Chapter Bylaws


Recognition of A. Elizabeth Watson, FAICP

Join us in recognizing A. Elizabeth Watson, FAICP’s induction into the College of Fellows of the American Institute of Certified Planners for her outstanding achievements in urban and regional planning. Watson is the only planner from Maryland to be named FAICP this year. A lifelong innovator working to enhance rural communities and landscapes, Watson has devoted her career to educating nonplanner stakeholders about the benefits of protecting heritage assets and to reinforcing communities’ capacity for effective action.


A&E Districts and Public Art (MSAC): Liesel Fenner, Steven Skerritt-Davis / CM credit 1

Participants will learn about the recently passed legislative percent-for-art program integrating public art in new state buildings and the multi-disciplinary art and design teams implementing projects throughout Maryland. The session will also cover the legislative origins and tax incentive opportunities available for developers, artists, and arts organizations in A&E districts and how the program has been successfully implemented in a variety of urban, suburban, and rural settings throughout the state. 




Planning for Inclusive Communities: Lisa Sturtevant, PhD, Ryan Price, Ellen Harpel, PhD, Michael A. Spotts / CM credit 1

This session will highlight integrated strategies local governments can take to facilitate inclusive economic development. From land use and zoning tools, to business attraction and workforce development, to transit and transportation planning, local planners can be at the forefront of developing policies and plans that can help build inclusive and diverse communities. The goal of the session is to provide attendees with a better understanding of the importance of inclusive communities and to give concrete examples of ways local jurisdictions can develop inclusive and integrated land use, economic development, housing and transportation policies and plans.


Lunch and Tackling Ethics Challenges: Patricia Haddon, Olivia Vidotto / CM ethics credit 1.5

The Maryland Thespians will use skits to demonstrate some of the challenges professional planners face in their daily work. Planners will observe some situations where they must navigate through difficult relationships and chose their paths with care and tactfulness. This training is designed to teach Planners to be thoughtful in their interactions. Two skits will be presented, each followed by facilitated discussion where the AICP Code of Ethics will be used to evaluate our actors’ behaviors and choices. One scenario will focus will focus on how planners balance fair housing obligations and the need for affordable housing with the public involvement in the development process. The other, on a public sector planner transitioning to the private sector. Audience participation is required!


A Better Maryland Discussion: Joe Griffiths / CM Credit 1

 This session will serve to both inform Chapter members about the "A Better Maryland" planning process and allow members to give feedback that will help MDP further refine its analysis and establish preliminary recommendations for the next round of outreach. Members will learn strategies for collecting citizen input, including a live demonstration of instant polling technology.




Addressing the Missing Middle with Yimby Zoning: Philip Dales, Attorney / CM Law Credit 1.5

This session offers a review of two current movements trending nationally - the YIMBY movement and the form-based code movement. The first part of the session will highlight the recent growth of "Yes In My Back Yard" groups, summarizing the views YIMBY members have expressed, and describing some of the civic, legislative, and legal actions they have taken. The second segment will provide an overview of fundamental form-based code principles and highlight several award winning FBCs, including the nearby Columbia Pike Code in Arlington, Virginia. Ultimately, the session will present each topic independently rather than explicitly drawing a connection between the two trends. As each topic is separately presented, however, key aspects will be brought into focus which may suggest certain shared values or potential synergies between the two, aiming to provoke thought, reflection, and discussion amongst attendees.