Recap & Videos from the APA Maryland Event - "Translating Science for Comprehensive & Environmental Plans"

On Friday, April 27, 2018 - MD APA hosted an educational workshop at the Aquaculture and Restoration Ecology Laboratory at Horn Point near Cambridge, MD. The event featured several informative speakers, a fascinating behind-the-scenes tour of the oyster hatchery, and graduate student presentations. Check out the day's itinerary here

We have videos from the event here:

  • Welcome and Overview of the Translating Science meeting at Horn Point (video)

  • Five Reasons to be Optimistic about Climate Change (video)

  • Sea level rise, changing tides and stronger storm surge in the Chesapeake Bay (video)

  • Getting from Science to Decision Making (video)

  • Climate Change and Planning (video)

  • Crediting Land use Planning towards Meeting the Bay TMDL (video)

  • Planning and Land Use (video)

  • Weather it Together...Communicating Climate Adaptation (video)

A special thanks to George Harvey at QACTV for providing the videos.